Sunday, April 13, 2008

"The Log Cabin" Note: This is not the "Log Cabin". - I am still searching for a photo. This was their house after the "Log Cabin"

This is a photo of the Log home that "Grannie", Grandfather Rushie, Merle,Earl,& A. Robbie lived in the early 1930's.

There are some great stories about this cabin and you may or may not know about this place.
This cabin was their home, a gas station, & a Candy Kitchen.
The Candy was sold mostly to Business folks in Lake City and A. Merle once pumped gas to someone who had no money.
(She took his gun until he returned with the money) ( Gas for Guns?)

The Cabin was located on US 41 between White Springs and Winfield, Fl.


Roswell Boomer said...
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Roswell Boomer said...

I had been searching for this photo for over 10 years. Thanks to Linda R.
McDermid, I now a copy of it.

Roswell Boomer said...

Earl would drive the Model "T" (In the photo) and at 14 yrs. old, down to his favorite fishing spot on the Suwannee River. He always talked about that spot. He would catch the fish and bring it home for dinner.
He would always take a snack and a Bamboo rod with him.
(Saltine crackers,a can of sardines,a banana, and a Pepsi Cola.)